Order a Hotel Voucher

Choose the amount, number of vouchers and the delivery method.

We will process your order as soon as we receive it. We will send you the bill by e-mail. You will find our banking information and all payment instructions on the bill. Please transfer the entire amount as it appears on the bill. We will activate your voucher as soon as your payment is credited to our bank account.

We will send you the voucher by e-mail or by post as soon as we have processed your order.

Enjoy your stay with us!

Your Voucher
Number of Vouchers *
Value per Voucher in € *
Total Order Amount in €*
If you would like to write a personal message that appears on the voucher, please write it here.

If you don’t wish to include a personal message, the text in the note below will automatically appear on the voucher.

Note: The following German text automatically appears on every voucher: Dieser Gutschein kann in der Sole Felsen Welt für Genuss, Entspannung und Kulinarik eingelöst werden.


Billing Address
First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail *
Phone *
Postal Code *
City *
I would like to receive my voucher:
Delivery address
First Name *
Last Name *
Postal Code *
City *
Zustellung Land
Please enter the e-mail address you would like to have it sent to
E-mail *
Advance Payment by Wire Transfer

We will send you the bill for your voucher by e-mail. It includes our banking information and all payment instructions. Please transfer the entire amount as it appears on the bill. We will activate your voucher as soon as your payment is credited to our bank account.

We will send you the voucher by e-mail or by post as soon as we have processed your order.


Pool and sauna capacity


We are partially occupied, there are only a few tickets available.


We recommend that you visit us on another day.

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